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grey nurse shark


GNS Bondi

We coordinate seasonal grey nurse shark censuses where we get divers and commercial operators gather data on the population density of the GNS. We want to use this data to help inform appropriate strategies to ensure their survival. Please check out our Events page and our Facebook group to register to participate in this project.

GNS Bondi.jpg

Valerie Taylor, world renowned underwater film maker, conservationist and pioneer of grey nurse shark protection is behind this initiative. She has asked that the diving community come together in this citizen science project to help researchers gather data on the density and distribution of grey nurse sharks. Learn more about Valerie's work here.


Our aim is to encourage community-based management of GNS by providing an on-line tool for both researchers and divers. If you encounter a grey nurse on your dive, please report it here along with images you capture and contribute to a citizen science initiative that helps researchers study these endangered creatures.

Our Team.

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